Кстати, ещё интересное из текста:
The experimental setup for the firings of 17 February - 10 March involved the use of two T-62 tanks which were fired at as individual targets in single passes by attacking aircraft. Earlier ground firing tests in November 1977, had been conducted as basic data collection efforts to judge the lethality of the GAU-8 ammunition against the vertical side surfaces of the hull of the Soviet T-62 tanks and side surfaces of the turrets which would be exposed to impact by projectiles arriving from A-lO aircraft attacking at low dive angles. The November 1977 firings clearly showed the sensitivity of the Soviet tanks to perforation and damaging hits when presented in side and rear aspect to aircraft attacking from open fire engagement ranges of approximately 4000 feet and less. The impressive weapon effects of the early test encouraged the CDAT to take a decisive step toward operational realism. The CDAT and the Armaments Directorate agreed that firings against individual Soviet tanks systematically sited to present varying aspects and armored surfaces would (1) yield additional basic data, and (2) involve operational conditions of actual aircraft flight which would result in a superior evaluation of the 30mm APIT projectiles being fired.
Перевод выделенной части:
Испытаниям предшествовали обстрелы, проведённые на земле в ноябре 1977 для оценки летальности снарядов GAU-8 по вертикальным частям бортов корпуса и боковой части башни, в которые может попасть А-10 на бреющем полёте. Обстрелы ноября 1977 ясно доказали возможность пробития и повреждения бортов и кормы с расстояния 4000 футов (1.2км) и меньше.
боюсь Mark Nicht сейчас заявит что я верю в сбитие самолета из танка, но не верю в возможности 30мм пушки по сгоревшему танку с кучей "но" по поводу симуляции того что внутри него
Всё намного хуже - я читаю документы.
Отредактировано Mark Nicht (2013-12-23 23:01:46)