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Бронетехника Германии

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Damian написал(а):

Maybe these was more modern PG-7WL for example,

ПГ-7ВЛ принята на вооружение в 77 году, она далеко не новая :)
PG-7VL entered service in '77, it is not new:)

Damian написал(а):

The doscussion about penetration capabilities, maybe such high values are because they are from tests where jet striked more soft RHA plates, this is the point, the key for finding truth is to know on what material ammunition was tested.

yes i just wrote about it,or again that i do not understand



PG-7VL entered service in '77, it is not new:)

But better than PG-7L for example. And it can be good enough to penetrate side turret with at 90 degrees from turret longitudinal axis. Besides there were some informations that insurgents had also M136 taken from somewhere. IMHO HEAT warhead with RHA penetration capability of ~500-550mm can perforate side turret armor at 90 degrees from turret longitudinal axis.




thick-walled 125mm HEAT penetrate 550-650mm, thin-walled 125mm ATGM punches 750-850mm, i  do not believe that  thick-walled 120mm HEAT can penetrate 700-800


LHAAT (Israeli): ~105mm
single SC - more then 700mm RHA (diameter x7)

SPIKE ATGM (Israeli): ~115-120mm
single SC (polish version) again: more then 700mm RHA (diameter x6)

BGM-71A TOW (USA)(BASIC -1969) ~149mm
single SC: more then 600mm (diameter x 4)

BGM-71C (1980) (USA) ~149mm
single SC: ~800mm (diameter x 5,3)

HOT (1976) (France-Germany)~136mm
single SC: ~800mm (diameter x 5,8)

If French-German HOT from 1976 with single SC have penetration like 5,8 diameter why German DM-12 from 1978/79 should not have   penetration like ~6 diameter? As we can see in both: germany and france there was pretty good HEAT warhead. 

Well in that case must penetrate the Soviet 750-875mm, but production is only 550 and 650, so the estimates for the Western 120mm HEAT seem to me greatly exaggerated

Maybe Soviet 125mm HEAT SC wasn't the best in those times? 550 (diameter x 4,4) and 650 (x 5.2) looks simmilar to the USA ones... But in USA there was no best HEAT. They even copy German DM-12 for Abrams -why I ask?



They even copy German DM-12 for Abrams -why I ask?

Because it was simpler, cheaper and faster than own R&D program for 120mm HEAT for smoothbore gun? ;)



militarysta написал(а):

LHAAT (Israeli): ~105mm
single SC - more then 700mm RHA (diameter x7)
SPIKE ATGM (Israeli): ~115-120mm
single SC (polish version) again: more then 700mm RHA (diameter x6)
BGM-71A TOW (USA)(BASIC -1969) ~149mm
single SC: more then 600mm (diameter x 4)
BGM-71C (1980) (USA) ~149mm
single SC: ~800mm (diameter x 5,3)
HOT (1976) (France-Germany)~136mm
single SC: ~800mm (diameter x 5,8)

they all thin-walled ATGM like Refleks/Invar, not thick-walled tank HEAT round, I do not know how to explain, the thicker the wall of the shell, the smaller the size of the cumulative funnel, the lower the piercing right? ATGM have probably explosives and more than in HEAT tank round

все выше укзанные это тонкостенные ПТУРы, а не толстостенные снаряды,не знаю как обьяснить, чем толще стенка снаряда, тем меньше калибр кумулятивной воронки, тем меньше и пробиваемость верно?  в них еще наверно и ВВ больше чем в БКС

militarysta написал(а):

Maybe Soviet 125mm HEAT SC wasn't the best in those times? 550 (diameter x 4,4) and 650 (x 5.2) looks simmilar to the USA ones... But in USA there was no best HEAT. They even copy German DM-12 for Abrams -why I ask?Может быть советские 125мм БКС были по тем временам не лучшие ? по пробиваемости похоже на американские, но американцы и не делали лучшие БКС, поэтому и скопировали немецкие ДМ-12

это скорее немецкие снаряды не так хороши как про них пишут :)
it is rather a German shells are not as good as they write about them:)

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2011-11-05 22:33:21)



Wiedzmin знанием английского щеголяет :rofl:



Zaklepkin написал(а):

Wiedzmin знанием английского щеголяет

не ну в школьном то курсе еще чето могем, хотя косяков наверно веселых в тексте не мало :)



Косяки лечатся гугл переводчиком. 8-)




Отредактировано Ghostrider (2013-07-26 20:01:33)



This is doubtful at least.

Depends, maybe M1A1HA's did not have it in turret side armor but later variants had, but maybe not, who knows, either way it is a + for M1, if there is not DU in turret sides, then most of the weight increase comes from reinforced frontal armor, if there is in turret sides, then side protection was increased, if not in HA, then in some more advanced variant.

For example this document:


Says about side armor upgrades, so maybe the lates variants have DU in turret sides.

Everything is possible.




Отредактировано Ghostrider (2013-07-26 19:59:45)



Unfortunetly do not have them, do You know where I can get them?

Отредактировано Damian (2011-11-06 02:17:44)




Отредактировано Ghostrider (2013-07-26 19:59:58)



Well, it seems that it will take long time before I get them.




Отредактировано Ghostrider (2013-07-26 20:00:17)



But still, this is only a drawing, and still, if there was not DU in side turret and even front hull armor, the latest document I provided mentions armor upgrades in the latest variants, this can mean (but not nececary of course) that DU was installed finally. Besides this I heard that some vehicles had non standard armor configuration, for example some of them had upgraded frontal hull armor, some not (in the 1980's and late 1990's to early XXI century period), however as latests informations suggest, all effort is made to standarize everything.

I can be wrong, but who knows.




Отредактировано Ghostrider (2013-07-26 20:01:09)



One more thing to consider- vehicle weight since HA introduction does not increase.

Contrary, it increased by several tons, M1A1HA weight is ~59,000-60,000kg, M1A1SA weight is ~63,100kg, same for M1A2SEP.



Василий Фофанов написал(а):

So 700, never mind 800 mm penetration for this round is truly freaking incredible, even in a static test.

Василий Фофанов написал(а):

Так что 700, молчу уж о 800 для данного снаряда совершенно невообразимый уровень, даже при статических испытаниях.

Вы имеете ввиду невообразимый в плане невозможный? Или невообразимый в плане фантастический (в положительном смысле слова)?
Потому как слово incredible скорее несет положительную оценку.



Василий Фофанов написал(а):

First, this was only achieved with ITOW. Second, the actual diameter for TOW/ITOW is in fact 127mm.

first: Indeed - 127mm for BASICK TOW - my mistake...

monography about TOW:

[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]

127mm diameter - >600mm RHA (single SC 4,8x diameter)

127mm diameter: ~800mm RHA (single SC advanced in material and shape - 6,3 diameter)

149mm diameter: 1100mm RHA (single advanced 149mm SC ~ 7,4 diameter) 

In their wet dreams maybe. It couldn't have been THAT better than their contemporaries ITOW and Konkurs, both achieving around 600 for the same diameter. The 800mm figure is either completely bogus or refers to a contemproary warhead retrofit. (...) First, 6 diameters rule of thumb is more characteristic of warheads deployed in the late 80s-90s. Second, the warhead diameter of a tank HEAT round is much less than its caliber, circa 100-110mm for a 120mm round. So 700, never mind 800 mm penetration for this round is truly freaking incredible, even in a static test.

I don't get it - where is problem with dates? Officially: HOT with 136mm diameter SC have ~800mm RHA (diameter 5,8 - 1976), ITOW with 127mm diameter but advanced in material and shape have (for single SC!) ~800mm RHA (6,3 diameter) in 1981.  It's simillar. From midlle 1970. on west was technology which can achieve penetration value like diameter x ~6-6,3 at least. 

I don't understand talking: "Dm-12 can't achive ~700-800mm RHA becouse Soviet HEAT BK haven't that diameter-penetration ratio". It's like talking "Kontakt-5 can't bo so good becouse polish ERAWA and Israeli BLAZER can't achive that effectiveness".


Sources about DM-12 value.
-Stefan Kosh site (http://www.kotsch88.de/m_120_mm.htm)
-Article one:
[реклама вместо картинки]
-Article two:
[реклама вместо картинки]

All of them are talking about more then 700mm RHA penetration for DM-12. I don't even talking about tests in Poland - becouce no one can check it.

To many sources and circumstantial that DM-12 really have this more then 700mm RHA.

ps. I forgot:
HOT (1976) and ITOW (1981) it's for first series, of course developmend and test should be erlier in : 1972-1975 and 1977-1980.

Отредактировано militarysta (2011-11-07 17:18:31)



Теперь и Василий перешел на английскую мову :D  а что делать тем кто этой мовой не владеет? :D



Василий Фофанов написал(а):

Боюсь вы правы, эксперимент можно считать провалившимся. Допуск английского языка на форум приводит к тому что мы видим. Видимо надо возращаться к политике нулевой толерантности.

Если ответы на двух языках, то по моему нормально. Интересное обсуждение. Судя по графику на рисунках, в конце 70х по оценкам американцев, их ПТРК били не достаточно  ? Я правильно понял ?

Отредактировано BVV (2011-11-07 18:22:50)




Отредактировано Ghostrider (2013-07-26 20:06:56)



Очень прошу оставить два языка на форуме.  Эти/этот поляки/поляк очень знающие/ий (я думаю, что Damian - это тот же Militarysta).  Damian-a я давно читаю на http://www.militaryphotos.net/ Могу найти интересные дискуссии там.  Данный форум выиграет, если он сможет продолжить писать сюда.  Уверен, его перевод на русский будет непонятен: Гугл польский-русский плохо переводит, поверьте.




Do not worry, I can understand some words in Russian, rest will be done by Google Translator that is not so bad (but fact is a fact, sometimes some Russian words are translated wrong and effect is funny :)).



английский это вообще латынь современности, инструмент (один из нескольких) межнационального общения цивилизованных людей,  решение вопроса с тем что " в многих странах есть танки".



Да-да. Убедительно просим иностранным гостям разрешить писать на английском. Также убедительно просим русскоговорящим отвечающим дублировать свои ответы на русском языке... пару предложений не трудно.



@Василий Фофанов

I haven't idea on what basis You can wrote:

ITOW - <650 as you can see.

Becouse all in this doc.(I know it...) have dates and estimateus around late 70. Even on this picture we can see dotted line - for estimates and forecasts not tech.dates!

BTW: declassified in 2004 mean that this document is before 1980... 

So for ITOW it's not a source. It's no more then estimates.

About TOW - no idea, becouse there is no about version or year, and "only" 450mm for 127mm diameter SC is for late 50. level (about 3,5), even RPG rounds for 1960-1970 have better ratio.

Yes, yes  :rolleyes: Such absurdly inflated ratings are typical of 1990s literature (where most of such publications recycle their info from). Current information based on new declassified sources points to rather more modest performance.

Article about Merkawa is from 2011... Stefan Site about 120mm round is not from "1990s. literature".  Article about TOW is from 2000 -based on offcial BGM advertising materials.

The west propaganda technology can achieve all kinds of penetration values I am sure :) Internal assessments are rather different as you can see!

Yes, yes... Jewish propaganda (cooperation with IMI during Making Merkawa IV article), Germans propaganda (?) and US Propaganda (TOW article based on materials from manufacturer), all is propaganda, but one article one Genneral (in principle, cross-sectional synthesis, not analysis) is true becouse it was branded as "CIA". And after 25yers prolongation it was declassified.

Sorry I don't get it. Especially there is nothing about ITOW (only dotted line - for vague estimates) and for TOW (which?) - 127 diameter and  450mm RHA is worse then for old chinesee RPG-7 PG-7VM round (70mm diameter and more then 300mm RHA).

All your sources are not primary, give me something of the same standing as the source above!

If three diffrent article + Stefan site is not enought it will be problem. But of course it's "western propaganda" - OK, it's Yours point of view, my is diffrent. For now I end of my tea.

I'll ask friends for DM-12 instructions, or photos from test - but I can't promise that I'll get it -but propably it will be "polish propaganda".



How many TOWs do you know?

XBGM-71A (prototype - 1964-1967)
BGM-71A BASIC TOW (since 1968)
BGM-71-A1 (increased range 1976)
BGM-71C Improved TOW (ITOW 1981)
BGM-71D TOW-2 (1981 prototype, 1983 production)
BGM-71E TOW-2A (1987)
BGM-71F TOW-2B (1991)
Fire&Forget TOW (prototype)
BLAAM TOW (prototype)

Отредактировано militarysta (2011-11-07 22:03:20)




вспомнил про ваше сопоставление пробиваемости советских ПТУР и защиты западных танков, тогда выходит что в 87 году(BGM-71E TOW-2A ) для поражения советского танка нужно было 900-1000 за ДЗ ? а с 91 года америнканцы посчитали что пробиваемости ТOW по какому то танку уже не хватает ? или заброневого действия при такой пробиваемости, и было решено бить по крыше ? иначе зачем было разрабатывать крышебой ?

remembered about your comparison of the penetration of soviet anti-tank and protection of the western tanks, then go in '87 (BGM-71E TOW-2A) to destroy the soviet tanks had to 900-1000mm of the ERA? and 91, the americans thought that the penetration TOW on what that tank is not enough? behind armor or action under such a piercing, and it was decided to beat on the roof? otherwise why would develop roof atacking ATGM ?