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Бронетехника Германии

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Wotan написал(а):

Я наверное не атк выразился, имелся в виду личный состав десантной бригады в составе контингента ФРГ в Афганистане за последние пять лет.

Dingo & Fuchs & Marder

Wotan написал(а):

В афганистане, и  сейчас тоже ?

ну не надо же немцев/американцев и Ко совсем за россиян принимать!
вроде как никакого смысла применять Визеля в минной войне небыло и нет. катают их исключительно на базах и всё. именно из-за низкой минной устойчивости.



iliq написал(а):

за россиян принимать!

а вам моск не жмёт?



Zaklepkin написал(а):

мне просто интересно что с ней будет в таком случае? она же такая маленькая

она подлетит, потом раскроется парашют и она плавно риземлится



злодеище написал(а):

а вам моск не жмёт?

у "дорогих россиян" (с), был опыт афганской, и двух чеченских компаний. где минироваие достаточно сильно распространено. но вот техникой почему-то пользовались исключительно штатной, для таких войн малоприспособленной. да даже сейчас, через 30 лет после окончания афганской войны, есть ли понимание того, что МРАПы всё же нужны? я такого в упор не вижу...

а дебильные немцы, никогда на минах не подрывавшиеся, почему-то сразу решили на МРАПах в Афганистан ехать, а не на дешёвых Визелях и Ко... странные они какие-то, да? моска у них нет саафсем... и очко слабое, на броне кататься...



так вы в дальнейшем и пишите, что лично ВАМ чего-то в ЧК не хватает и, что у вас очко крепкое, а не за всех остальных, ато они может и рады бы...



и чего ж это лично ВАМ не хватает...



Василий Фофанов написал(а):

Смилуйтесь. Редок тот российский автостроитель, что не предложил к настоящему моменту своего варианта подрывозащищенной машины.

а в войсках продолжают пользовать обычные штатные БМП и БТРы... ну и бронировынные газельки. тем не менее МО что-то не делает никаких оргвыводов.

Василий Фофанов написал(а):

Правда дебильные немцы на минах таки подрывались - на балканах.

да ладно, немцы там воевали аж жуть  :rofl: порядок прямо таки навели  :rofl:
сколько там немцев на минах подорвалось? если 3/4 погибших - несчастны случаи и автомобильные аварии...

Василий Фофанов написал(а):

Хотя надо сказать что и у нас в плане скорости реакции видны улучшения - пошедшие по всем родам войск и отраслям ВПК по итогам 888 пинки проявляются явно резвее чем раньше.

что именно появилось?



Василий Фофанов написал(а):

Смилуйтесь. Редок тот российский автостроитель, что не предложил к настоящему моменту своего варианта подрывозащищенной машины.

Интересно, в СССР, в 80-х, никаких телодвижений в сторону MRAP не было? Афганистан не подвиг, за девять-то лет? То, что до серии ничего не добралось, это понятно. Но НИОКР (и опытные образцы, по результатам оных) на сей счет были?



А о "Пуме" говорят спаренний пулмет слабенкий - 5,56 мм.



About Leopard-2A4:

[реклама вместо картинки]

Based on normal mesurmend made on real Leopard-2A4 tank from 1986.


this bellow is estimation - it can have even about 10% measurement error:

[реклама вместо картинки]
[реклама вместо картинки]

Armour protection level? (please regard this as estimates, not as the truth):

APFSDS: 410- 470mm RHA (first value for 740mm LOS, second for 840mm LOS - the first one is more relevant of course.)
Turret sides at 30. - ~380mm RHA (for ~650mm LOS)
HEAT: 700mm - 800mm RHA
Turret sides at 30. - ~650mm RHA

Leopard2A3 (and erly 2A4):
APFSDS: 480- 550mm RHA
Bok wieży pod kątem 30. - ~460mm RHA
HEAT: 900- >1000mm RHA
Bok wieży pod kątem 30. - ~830mm RHA

Leopard2A4(since 1986):
APFSDS: 560 - 630mm RHA
Bok wieży pod kątem 30. - ~520mm RHA
HEAT: 990 - >1100mm RHA
Bok wieży pod kątem 30. - ~900mm RHA

Leo2A5-A7 -no idea.

Of course this upper can be completely wrong -it's only my poin of view, but based on:

1. knowledge of the armor layer in erly 80. (of course armour in leo2 is not Burlinghton, but smth.simillar)
2. three tests about which I know (two in Germany, one in Poland) on Leopar2A4(erly, so in fact 2A3) armour.
3. ratio Leo2A4 LOS and armour generation to nex Sovier/Russian AT weapons and it's penetration capabilities
4. Talking with tank crews (Leo2 only).

But As I said - it can by just wrong.  It's my point of view not "truth revealed"

Turret mass in Leopard2A1-A3:
pure armour mass in turret: 8,9t (for erly Leo2 only!)



militarysta написал(а):

Based on normal mesurmend made on real Leopard-2A4 tank from 1986.Оценки габаритов брони, замерено с реального танка с помощью рулетки, танк выпуска 86года

militarysta написал(а):

Of course this upper can be completely wrong -it's only my poin of view, but based on:
1. knowledge of the armor layer in erly 80. (of course armour in leo2 is not Burlinghton, but smth.simillar)
2. three tests about which I know (two in Germany, one in Poland) on Leopar2A4(erly, so in fact 2A3) armour.
3. ratio Leo2A4 LOS and armour generation to nex Sovier/Russian AT weapons and it's penetration capabilities
4. Talking with tank crews (Leo2 only).
конечно все эти оценки(стойкости от БКС/БПС) могут быть неверными, это лишь мое ИМХО, но основано оно на:
1) знании состава брони лео в ранних 80х(конечно броня лео это не берлингтон, но что то похожее)
2)3 теста которые как я знаю(2 в Германии 1 в Польше)проводились по броне Лео2А4(ранние машины на самом деле 2А3)
3)значения габаритов лео2а4, и сопоставление всех цифер с пробиваемостью советских ПТРК тех времен и их развития
4)Разговор с экипажами танков(только Лео-2)

а можно все пукты подробно расписать ?

and you can paint all the items in detail?



Помойму данных рисунков у нас не было.
С милфотос.



Interesting discussion, especially fragments about Leopard 1 protection.




You asked for Rolf Hilms book, I found this one:




and you can paint all the items in detail?

I will try :)

About more interesting - test:

1) Germany tested they DM-12 against erly Leo2 armour.
Normally DM-12 can penetrate 750-800mm RHA. On this "special" armour it can penetrate only <450mm deep.
This info I have fom friend for army. First I thought -fake, but now I think that is true.
2) After German unification they tested ex DDR tanks and ammo. Acording polish military press/book publishing - 3BM15 and 3BM22 was not able to penettated erly Leo2A4(2A3) turret armor even on very close distanse. The same HEAT (3BK18?). Of course this ammo is not modern.
It's not suprising but for that we know that Leo2A3 and erly 2A4 should have more then 550mm vs HEAT (SC) and about 400-450mm vs AFSDS (for less then 500m range how is proper penetration value for 3BM22??)
3) acording to polish military press about Leopard2A4:

Pancerz czołowy w zakresie +30. od osi wzdłużnej kadłuba chronił w latach 80.całkowicie przed przebiciem pociskami kumulacyjnymi kal.125mm, a przez pociski podkalibrowe z rdzeniami wolframowymi tegoż kalibru mógł być przebity z odległości poniżej 1000m. Pociski podkalibrowe z własnej armaty nie przebijały jego pancerza z odległości większej niż 1-1,5km.

Source: Andrzej Kiński, "Jadą leopardy...", Nowa Technika Wojskowa, marzec 2002,s.11

-in 80. Leo2 frontal turret armour (+30.from the longitudinal axis) was tottaly immune against 125mm HEAT     
- this armour can be perforated by Soviet APFSDS with TUNGSTEN rod from less then 1000m
- Leo2's 120mm APFSDS can perforated Leo2 frontal armour from 1-1,5km. 

Well as I know (from test) Leo2A3-A4(erly) is tottaly immune against 3BM15 3BM22 and 3BM18HEAT(?) even on less then 500m...
So propably this part is about: 3BM26 or 3BM42 (tungsten rod).  German DM-33A1 for 2000m have 470mm RHA, for 1000m should have about 530-550mm RHA.
How about BM42? According to this: 3BM42 -P0:580 P2500:460 for less then 1000m it should be simmilar value (540?).
Again: Leo2A3(erlyA4) turret armour can withstand smth. with about    500mm RHA +  penetration. 

4. In Poland there was test PT-91 125mm ammo vs Leo2A4 and Leo2A4 120mm ammo vs. PT-91. As I know - the resultat was like in 2).   

It's all about tests.

About this:
3. ratio Leo2A4 LOS and armour generation to nex Sovier/Russian AT weapons and it's penetration capabilities

As I remember it was posted here by You and it was translated.

About this:
"1. knowledge of the armor layer in erly 80. (of course armour in leo2 is not Burlinghton, but smth.simillar) "

It's big big thema.
In very very short -
1) erly burlinghton was 3x better against SC (HEAT) then RHA block with the same weight(mass).
2) Germans rejected Burlinhton becouse it was no better against KE (APFSDS) then RHA monoblock, and they made their own solution - simmiliar to the Burnghton but better against KE. 
3) Germans solutions:

" Składa się on ze skrajnych i pośrednich warstw wykonanych ze stal pancernej, pomiędzy którymi znajdują się elementy ceramiczne zatopione w pakietach ze stopów lekkich oraz warstwa tworzyw sztucznych rozdzielona przegrodami w kształcie plastra miodu"

- extreme and middle layers made of steel armor
- between them are ceramic elements embedded in packets of light alloys + one layer polymer in shape like honeycomb

rest later -if Admins allow to still use english :)



militarysta написал(а):

1) Germany tested they DM-12 against erly Leo2 armour.
Normally DM-12 can penetrate 750-800mm RHA.
Немцы обстреляли Лео-2 120мм БКС ДМ-12

пробиваемость 120мм БКС в 750-800мм стали, это сказки какие то , я бы еще поверил в 450-550, ну от силы 600, но уж никак не 800, я знаю что у нас есть "тройной" БКС с 850мм пробиваемостью, но кроме того что он "существует" о нем больше ничего не известно

piercing 120mm HEAT DM-12 750-800mm of steel, which is a fairy tale, i would still believe in the 450-550, well, on the strength of 600, but certainly not 800,i know that we have a "triple" 125mm HEAT with 850mm piercing, but also that it "exists" on it nothing more is known

Damian написал(а):

You asked for Rolf Hilms book, I found this one:

i have this one :)

militarysta написал(а):

2) After German unification they tested ex DDR tanks and ammo. Acording polish military press/book publishing - 3BM15 and 3BM22 was not able to penettated erly Leo2A4(2A3) turret armor even on very close distanse. The same HEAT (3BK18?). Of course this ammo is not modern.
It's not suprising but for that we know that Leo2A3 and erly 2A4 should have more then 550mm vs HEAT (SC) and about 400-450mm vs AFSDS (for less then 500m range how is proper penetration value for 3BM22??)Немцы так же обстреляли леопард снарядами из Т-72, без каких либо последствий для танка

militarysta написал(а):

It's big big thema.
In very very short -
1) erly burlinghton was 3x better against SC (HEAT) then RHA block with the same weight(mass).
2) Germans rejected Burlinhton becouse it was no better against KE (APFSDS) then RHA monoblock, and they made their own solution - simmiliar to the Burnghton but better against KE. 
3) Germans solutions:
по наполнителю
1)ранняя версия берлингтона в 3 лучше стали против КС
2)Немцы не приняли берлингтон т.к против ломов он был не сильно лучше чем просто гомогенка, и они сделали свою комибаншку, лучше работавшую по ОБПС
3)Немецкий наполнитель
- extreme and middle layers made of steel armor
- between them are ceramic elements embedded in packets of light alloys + one layer polymer in shape like honeycomb
- хз что есть "extreme" возможно внешняя и тыльные плиты, и плиты внутри массива стальные
-между плит керамические элементы собранные в блоки из легких сплавов + один слой полимеров, по форме как соты(тут я в переводе не уверен, так что если кто то может лучше переведите пожалуйста, но я так понял что это что типа ячеек на нашем Т-80У? )

interesting, but where did you get effectivness against HEAT ? 3x better then steel ? what kind of armor is it ?

интересно, но откуда взята эффективность наполнителя от БКС ? в 3 раза лучше стали ? что за броня такая ?

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2011-11-05 17:22:11)



piercing 120mm HEAT DM-12 750-800mm of steel, which is a fairy tale, i would still believe in the 450-550, well, on the strength of 600, but certainly not 800,i know that we have a "triple" 125mm HEAT with 850mm piercing, but also that it "exists" on it nothing more is known

Hmmm, as far as I know, US M830 HEAT was estimated to penetrate ~600-650mm RHA, M830 is just DM12 with different fuze and some other minor modifications, so I think both should penetrate the same amount of RHA.

However the general conclusion that it will be more difficult to them to penetrate the same level of composite armor is probably true. One man, Pole but he was in Gulf War in US Army as a tank crew member said that he saw M1A1 or M1A1HA (it is uncertain) hit in turret front by AGM-114, armor was not perforated but only penetrated to the half or more than half of it's thickness.

So it might be true that HEAT have problems to penetrate same levels of composite armor and RHA.



piercing 120mm HEAT DM-12 750-800mm of steel, which is a fairy tale, i would still believe in the 450-550, well, on the strength of 600, but certainly not 800,i know that we have a "triple" 125mm HEAT with 850mm piercing, but also that it "exists" on it nothing more is known

I beg You pardon but it's true :) On polish test DM-12 can penetrate more then 750mm RHA plate :)

BTW: SC have ussaly penetration like 6-7x diameter.
120mm DM-12 should have ~720mm RHA.

If it's fairy tale how would You explain that:

and this:
[реклама вместо картинки]

German and Jewish propaganda? I don't think soo...

interesting, but where did you get effectivness against HEAT ? 3x better then steel ? what kind of armor is it ?

Erly Burlinghton from mid.70. :) 

"orgins of the burlinghton" and in enother source



Damian написал(а):

However the general conclusion that it will be more difficult to them to penetrate the same level of composite armor is probably true. One man, Pole but he was in Gulf War in US Army as a tank crew member said that he saw M1A1 or M1A1HA (it is uncertain) hit in turret front by AGM-114, armor was not perforated but only penetrated to the half or more than half of it's thickness.
So it might be true that HEAT have problems to penetrate same levels of composite armor and RHA.
Американские танкисты рассказывали что видели как в один абрамс(в лоб) прилетел AGM-114, и не пробил его, струя прошла только на половину габарита

есть отчет по обстрелу М1А1HA в 89 году емнип, там танк пробили ПТУР как раз вроде и был AGM-114, было так же отмечено частичное пробитие 105мм ОБПС XM900

The health hazards of depleted uranium munitions ANNEXE C Assessments of depleted uranium intakes from use of depleted uranium on the battlefield M R Bailey (NRPB), J Marriage (AWE), J Shaw (AWE) and C Walsh (NRPB)

The seven tests used the following rounds: 120-mm APFSDS KE (kinetic energy)-Tungsten; 120-mm Heat-MP; 100-mm AP-C steel rod; anti-tank mine; 120-mm APFSDS KE DU (test 5A); 120-mm APFSDS KE-Tungsten (test 5B); and ATGM equivalent (test 6B)…

but after several tests heavy armour material was blown out more than 76 metres…
Air sampling results for test #7, which caused a fire that consumed the vehicle,…
Researchers also sampled interior air during the three last impact tests, when breakthrough into the crew compartment occurred (see annexe C, section C2.2).
during the test was also observed partial penetration by 105mm APDSFS XM900, frontal armor was pierced by ATGM (AGM-114 probably)



А не ТОУ то был? ;)



The health hazards of depleted uranium munitions ANNEXE C Assessments of depleted uranium intakes from use of depleted uranium on the battlefield M R Bailey (NRPB), J Marriage (AWE), J Shaw (AWE) and C Walsh (NRPB)

The seven tests used the following rounds: 120-mm APFSDS KE (kinetic energy)-Tungsten; 120-mm Heat-MP; 100-mm AP-C steel rod; anti-tank mine; 120-mm APFSDS KE DU (test 5A); 120-mm APFSDS KE-Tungsten (test 5B); and ATGM equivalent (test 6B)…

but after several tests heavy armour material was blown out more than 76 metres…
Air sampling results for test #7, which caused a fire that consumed the vehicle,…
Researchers also sampled interior air during the three last impact tests, when breakthrough into the crew compartment occurred (see annexe C, section C2.2).
during the test was also observed partial penetration by 105mm APDSFS XM900, frontal armor was pierced by ATGM (AGM-114 probably)

But these tests do not say anything where, at what angle armor was pierced. From what I understand from this test, they were just shooting to armor until it completely break up in to pieces. Also it do not say what armor part was pierced, frontal, side?

The whole point of these tests were to messure DU dust outside and inside vehicle, not the offered level of protection.

Also Wiedzmin remember that this maybe was prototype, not the final configuration that maybe offered higher protection. If this armor would be a failure, Americans would just not field it on tanks and they would seek alternative.

But from these tests results we cant say anything about armor protection or where armor was hit (front, side, hull, turret).

Отредактировано Damian (2011-11-05 17:50:59)



militarysta написал(а):

I beg You pardon but it's true  On polish test DM-12 can penetrate more then 750mm RHA plate

сталь разная бывает, по одной можно пробить 400, по другой и все 900 например(может я корявый пример привел, но пули вон по Ст3 вышибают огромные цифры, а как только ставят броневую сталь циферки сразу приходят в норму, была на ГСПО табличка зависимости снижения пробиваемость БКС от марки(или твердости) стали)

Steel is different, one can break the 400, on the other and all 900 for example (I'm a bad example can be cited, but the bullets out of St3 knock out huge numbers, but once put armored steel figures immediately return to normal was to reduce dependence GSPO table penetrability of HEAT (or hardness) of steel)

I seriously doubt that the 120 mm HEAT can penetrate  more than 125mm

Blitz. написал(а):

А не ТОУ то был?

а ТОУ-2 пробивает 900м, ранние хеллфаеры вроде 800-900 ? т.е без разницы

Damian написал(а):

But these tests do not say anything where, at what angle armor was pierced. From what I understand from this test, they were just shooting to armor until it completely break up in to pieces. Also it do not say what armor part was pierced, frontal, side?Но в отчете нету ничего про то под каким углом была броня пробита, из того что я понял про тесты, они просто стреляли пока танк не развалился, так же не сказано куда стреляли, лоб ? борт ?

yes to the test was not the fact of penetration, but was shot in the frontal armor IIRC

Damian написал(а):

Also Wiedzmin remember that this maybe was prototype, not the final configuration that maybe offered higher protection. If this armor would be a failure, Americans would just not field it on tanks and they would seek alternative.Так же возможно это был не сам М1А1HA, а просто эксперементал с какой то другой конфигурацией наполнителя, в то время как на настоящем абрамсе броня могла быть совсем другой, американцы не приняли бы танк который смогли пробить

year 89, And if it was an experimental tank is probably a more advanced armor than M1A1HA? fact of penetration of the tank does not lead to its acceptance / non acceptance, if not put to the test check of protection, and the study of uranium dust, to '89 M1A1HA was already in service ?

89 год, если это и был эксперементальный танк то наверно с более продвинутой броней чем у М1А1HA ? факт пробития танка не ведет к его принятию/не принятию, если целью теста ставится не проверка защищенности, а изучение количества урановой аэрозоли, в 89 m1a1ha уже был на вооружении ?

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2011-11-05 18:02:11)



yes to the test was not the fact of penetration, but was shot in the frontal armor IIRC

Nobody knows where armor was hit, maybe it was test of all sides, so it could be shot in frontal armor, but maybe also in side armor? Who knows, not to mention that such documents are properly censored before released for public, it can be also manipulation so the potential enemy will think that the armor is weaker than in reality. Everything is possible and Americans are far from realising so important informations to public without proper... treatment.

year 89, And if it was an experimental tank is probably a more advanced armor than M1A1HA? fact of penetration of the tank does not lead to its acceptance / non acceptance, if not put to the test check of protection, and the study of uranium dust, to '89 M1A1HA was already in service ?

First M1A1HA's were fielded in 1988, maybe date is about year when this document was ready and realeased for TACOM authorities, Senate, goverment etc.

In fact any conclusions about M1A1HA protection formed on this document are useless, because there are no specific informations, only laconic words.



Damian написал(а):

Nobody knows where armor was hit, maybe it was test of all sides, so it could be shot in frontal armor, but maybe also in side armor? Who knows, not to mention that such documents are properly censored before released for public, it can be also manipulation so the potential enemy will think that the armor is weaker than in reality. Everything is possible and Americans are far from realising so important informations to public without proper... treatment.Никто не знает куда был поражен танк, может все выстрелы были в борт ? Кто знает как цензурируются подобные документы ? может это все деза(оставил суть поста)

maybe but what the point firing on side armor ? in side armor no DU ?




Steel is different, one can break the 400, on the other and all 900 for example (I'm a bad example can be cited, but the bullets out of St3 knock out huge numbers, but once put armored steel figures immediately return to normal was to reduce dependence GSPO table penetrability of HEAT (or hardness) of steel)

I seriously doubt that the 120 mm HEAT can penetrate  more than 125mm

Yes, I know about steel HB scale, but:

1. Stefan site:

Die Durchschlagswirkung bei Panzerzielen soll bei 60 Grad Auftreffwinkel in Bereichen bis zu 220 mm liegen. Bei 90 Grad Auftreffwinkel durchschlägt sie ca. 450 mm Schottpanzerung, abhängig vom Keramikanteil der Panzerung. Bei homogenem Panzerstahl sind etwa 700 mm Durchdringtiefe möglich.

2. Paweł Przeździecki, "Czołg podstawowy Merkawa Mk 4 cz.2, Nowa Technika Wojskowa, 5/2011, s.27 (this picture with article) 
German DM12, American M830 have penetration values beetwen 700-800mm RHA

3. Polish test DM-12 - more then 750mm RHA

4. According to most of sources HEAT (SC) san perforate about 6-7x it's diamiter.
Even stupid wikipedia:

In general, very early HEAT rounds can expect to penetrate armor of 150% to 250% of their diameter, and these numbers were typical of early weapons used during World War II. Since the Second World War, the penetration of HEAT rounds relative to projectile diameters has steadily increased as a result of improved liner material and metal jet performance. Some modern examples claim numbers as high as 700%

If You don't belive - just find diamiter AT weapons and its penetration dates...

5.  about dual and triple SC werhead (HEAT) - think: this additional SC is for bigger penetration value or for neutralize ERA casette/ NERA pannels? Or inner armour layers :-)

For me is obvious thet pure Dm-12HEAT can penetrate more then 700mm normal RHA plate - more then 3 independent sources prove that.

Отредактировано militarysta (2011-11-05 18:39:05)



maybe but what the point firing on side armor ? in side armor no DU ?

There should be DU in side turret armor, what Andrei showed on photos, this was uncomplete insert, it was only outer NERA like layer, there are no attache points on turret side backplate, so these rods attached to amortization spring of these NERA like layers can't be placed there without additional layers.

Militarysta can explain this further.

But just look, no attache points for rods on the backplate.


Andrei made just wrong conclusion looking only on fragments of composite inserts and not taking a closer look on side turret backplate.



militarysta написал(а):

Yes, I know about steel HB scale, but:
1. Stefan site:

там может быть написана максимально возможная пробиваемость, с минимальным заброневым эффектом, что скорее всего и сделано

there may be written to be penetrated by the maximum possible, with minimal behind armor effect  that probably will

militarysta написал(а):

4. According to most of sources HEAT (SC) san perforate about 6-7x it's diamiter. судя по большинству источников БКС может пробивать до 6-7 калибров

ну в таком случае советские должны пробивать 750-875мм :) но из серийных есть только 550 и 650, поэтому западные оценки для 120мм БКС мне кажутся сильно завышенными

Well in that case must penetrate the Soviet 750-875mm, but production is only 550 and 650, so the estimates for the Western 120mm HEAT seem to me greatly exaggerated

militarysta написал(а):

If You don't belive - just find diamiter AT weapons and its penetration dates...

thick-walled 125mm HEAT penetrate 550-650mm, thin-walled 125mm ATGM punches 750-850mm, i  do not believe that  thick-walled 120mm HEAT can penetrate 700-800

толстостенный 125мм БКС бьет 550-650, тонкостнный ТУР 750-850, не верню что толстостенный 120мм БКС будет бить так же как ТУР, хотя с вопросами веры это в храм да, у кого нибудь из русскоязычных пользователй есть информация по западным 120мм БКС ?



Wait wait wait, maybe the key is material penetrated by jet? Think about that, no source says what steel or other material was penetrated by jet.

Отредактировано Damian (2011-11-05 18:53:46)



Damian написал(а):

Andrei made just wrong conclusion looking only on fragments of composite inserts and not taking a closer look on side turret backplate.

[реклама вместо картинки]

DU in side armor ? if it was in side armor, with 360mm thick no need in ERA, because old grenades for RPG-7 can't penetrate

ОУ в бортовой броне  ? при 360мм габарите там бы тогда ДЗ была не нужна, старые поганки бы ее не пробивали.

Damian написал(а):

Wait wait wai, maybe the key is material penetrated by jet? Think about that, no source says what steel or other material was penetrated by jet.

sorry did not understand the translation



DU in side armor ? if it was in side armor, with 360mm thick no need in ERA, because old grenades for RPG-7 can't penetrate

It is not nececary that these DU layers are thick, besides this, who said that that old RPG's perforated side armor? Maybe these was more modern PG-7WL for example, and such ammunition was present in Iraq. Besides this, we only see outer NERA like layer, there can be deeper inside several more layers (3 or 4) with similiar thickness but they are rigid without movement capabilities.

sorry did not understand the translation

The discussion about penetration capabilities, maybe such high values are because they are from tests where jet striked more soft RHA plates, this is the point, the key for finding truth is to know on what material ammunition was tested.

Отредактировано Damian (2011-11-05 19:09:00)