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"Меркава" и другая бронетехника Израиля . 10

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Wiedzmin написал(а):

Если вы не знали, это конструкция брони, а не то, что вы написали:




на картинке только базовая броня самого колпака, модули не учитываются, но что максимум дадут модули я написал, минимум будет куда более печальный.

если сложно понять, то имея базовую конструкцию уровня ниже Т-55, сложно довести ее до чего то более высокого по защите чем Т-55.

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2017-05-01 15:07:44)



Многослойная броня ~700mm третья поколение равна уровню защиты Т-55? интересно

и модули прикреплены к крыше тоже.

Отредактировано Великий Зук (2017-05-01 15:29:48)



Великий Зук написал(а):

Многослойная броня ~700mm равна уровеню защиты Т-55? интересно

Т-55 с ДЗ - 650 от кумулятивных гранат, и ?

то что Меркава имеет уровень в 600-700 от КС только предположение основаное на том что Британия все же продала чобхем по запросу(и установленные модули полностью соответствовали британским спецификациям), если же нет, то никаких 600-700 там нет, и тогда уровень защиты скорее всего как раз Т-55АМ т.е 450-500 от КС.

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2017-05-01 15:31:27)



Какой- то новый информационный повод - "про Меркавы"? Знаю только отсюда Ссылка (стр.28) что воздушные фильтры и аккумуляторы переместили за двигатель, а их место заняла дополнительная лобовая броня.                                                                                                                                                                                                       http://waronline.org/fora/index.php?attachments/18121046_1705183382843158_1876898339567731098_o-jpg.58088/



Oleg7700 написал(а):

Знаю только отсюда Ссылка (стр.28) что воздушные фильтры и аккумуляторы переместили за двигатель, а их место заняла дополнительная лобовая броня.

А когда по срокам произвошло, не пишут, бо по сылке пусто.



Wiedzmin написал(а):

Т-55 с ДЗ - 650 от кумулятивных гранат, и ?

то что Меркава имеет уровень в 600-700 от КС только предположение основаное на том что Британия все же продала чобхем по запросу(и установленные модули полностью соответствовали британским спецификациям), если же нет, то никаких 600-700 там нет, и тогда уровень защиты скорее всего как раз Т-55АМ т.е 450-500 от КС.

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (Сегодня 15:31:27)

(I'll type in English because I don't have a Russian keyboard, and google translate is just unreliable). Tell me if you can't translate something I said.

1)~700mm is the armor thickness. Not protection estimates. Merkava 3 has been at least known to protect against Kornet type missiles in numerous occasions near Gaza (2000-2005) and in Lebanon (2006), which gives the turret a protection level of at least 1,200mm CE. I don't know about KE estimates, but it's safe to assume they were built to handle the latest 125mm APFSDS at the time.

2)Tech transfer of Chobham is unlikely to have occurred. Neither was it needed. Israel developed and produced its own armor, and by the time the Merkava 3 entered service, Israel was already exporting a large amount of armor, including to the UK.
The first Merkava tank to feature indigenous composite armor was the Merkava 2. And first to have ERA were Sho't and Magach (supposedly also Merkava 4 has ERA).
Israel had a long history of partnership in tank development with the USA and (West and Unified) Germany, who had their separate armor development programs.



Blitz. написал(а):

А когда по срокам произвошло, не пишут, бо по сылке пусто.

Для Меркавы 4.




Великий Зук написал(а):

1)~700mm is the armor thickness.


Великий Зук написал(а):

1)~700mm is the armor thickness. Not protection estimates. Merkava 3 has been at least known to protect against Kornet type missiles in numerous occasions near Gaza (2000-2005) and in Lebanon (2006), which gives the turret a protection level of at least 1,200mm CE. I don't know about KE estimates, but it's safe to assume they were built to handle the latest 125mm APFSDS at the time.

Великий Зук написал(а):

Neither was it needed. Israel developed and produced its own armo

yes yes, thats why they asked british mod during 1978 and 79 and later to sell Chobham  :rofl:

Великий Зук написал(а):

USA and (West and Unified) Germany, who had their separate armor development programs.

USA get first info about Chobham in 1965 and cooperated with brits to 1980s...

Germans... well they have their own armor, 15+30 spaced armor and so on, after that idiotic schemes didn't work against CE  they also get info and speifications from brits about Chobham. France did it, Korea, Switzerland and many other countries...

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2017-05-01 16:59:22)



Wiedzmin написал(а):

France did it, Korea, Switzerland and many other countries...

А где почитать можно было про экпортные продажи Чобхэма? :rolleyes:



Великий Зук написал(а):

1)~700mm is the armor thickness. Not protection estimates. Merkava 3 has been at least known to protect against Kornet type missiles in numerous occasions near Gaza (2000-2005) and in Lebanon (2006), which gives the turret a protection level of at least 1,200mm CE.

:crazyfun:  :crazyfun:  :crazyfun:  :rofl:

700 mm? Where, in your dreams?


:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

That made my day, thank you.



Blitz. написал(а):

А где почитать можно было про экпортные продажи Чобхэма?

ну архив на который я давно ссылку давал, обсуждалась например и возможность продажи чифтена и чобхема китайцам, уж не знаю чем закончилось, но один чифтен в китае есть, и хз действительно ли он иранский.

в целом за 70е бриты гонялись с чобхемом по всей планете пытаясь защитить его патентами итп и кому нибудь впарить, комплект задумывался изначально как навесной для старых танков и только для защиты от КС

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2017-05-01 17:16:35)



Wiedzmin написал(а):


Feel free to do your own measurements then. There are Merkava tanks in the Latrun museum. Open to the wide public for all the measurements one can dream of.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

yes yes, thats why they asked british mod during 1978 and 79 and later to sell Chobham

USA get first info about Chobham in 1965 and cooperated with brits to 1980s...

Germans... well they have their own armor, 15+30 spaced armor and so on, after that idiotic schemes didn't work against CE  they also get info and speifications from brits about Chobham. France did it, Korea, Switzerland and many other countries...

Of course they asked. But even if there was a technology transfer, it never stayed the same way. The Americans, Germans, French, all have improved vastly upon this rough concept. Americans started with the BRL (Ballistics Research Lab, also confused with Burlington) series and quickly advanced to the HAP series (Heavy Armor Package). By the time the Merkava 3 entered production the HAP armor was well in production as well. So even if they got the tech transfer, it had evolved by then greatly.

Keep in mind the Merkava 3 was only introduced for the first time in 1989, and in production until 2003. Its armor, by the way, is modular and thus upgradeable. It was upgraded at least once during its service, and the Merkava 4's armor was also upgraded at least once, without anyone really noticing it.

Oh and you can have your doubts about the protection estimates for the Mark 3, but actual combat experience shows mine to be trustworthy. Whereas you haven't provided any piece of evidence as to why these aren't true.



Blitz. написал(а):

А когда по срокам произвошло, не пишут, бо по сылке пусто.

Да ув. Blitz, дать ссылку на сайт танкистов ЦАХАЛ, http://yadlashiryon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/у меня не получается. Всё на иврите, естественно и конкретной даты нет."התובה של מרכבה סימן 4" (конфигурация Меркава марк 4- название статьи)



Wiedzmin написал(а):

комплект задумывался изанчально как навесной для старых танков и только для защиты от КС

Однако изначальная задумка дальше демонтраторов не пошла.

Oleg7700 написал(а):

Всё на иврите, естественно и конкретной даты нет

Wiedzmin написал(а):

ну архив на который я давно ссылку давал


Отредактировано Blitz. (2017-05-01 17:29:27)



outlander написал(а):

700 mm? Where, in your dreams?


That made my day, thank you.

First of all, that's a Merkava 4, not 3.

Second, take a ruler, go to the museum, and do your measurements.

And if want the measurements for the Merkava 4:


Measured to scale of course.



Великий Зук написал(а):

Oh and you can have your doubts about the protection estimates for the Mark 3, but actual combat experience shows mine to be trustworthy. Whereas you haven't provided any piece of evidence as to why these aren't true.

please keep this BS for people who believe in  "great israeli armor revolution"

if you don't have any proof then do not even start writing something about "withstood kornet/deathstar" etc.

Blitz. написал(а):

Однако изначальная задумка дальше демонтраторов не пошла.

ну чифтен 5/2 довольно долго обсуждался как вариант модернизации, да и далее до определенного момента ничего особо не менялось, защиты от кинетики первые версии почти не давали(особо отмечалось мол демонстрировать стрельбу 105мм БПС и 120мм БПС можно(просто потому что Л28/52 разрушаются хорошо, а от 120мм  Л15 для Чифтена защита получалась по лбу только с 1.3км) , а 105мм ОБПС лучше говорить что пакет мол оптимизирован только для работы по КС), а оптимизация от кинетики началась уже после 80го судя по всему.

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2017-05-01 17:24:41)



Wiedzmin написал(а):

please keep this BS for people who believe in  "great israeli armor revolution"

if you don't have any proof then do not even start writing something about "withstood kornet/deathstar" etc.

You make conclusions about the armor protection of a tank by simply looking at the turret shell without its armor (by this logic, no tank should be able to withstand more than 30mm apfsds), and estimate it to be on the same level as a T-55 tank, but when you're given actual historical facts, you just dismiss them. Great.

What's more indisputable than actual combat records?



Великий Зук написал(а):

First of all, that's a Merkava 4, not 3.

Second, take a ruler, go to the museum, and do your measurements.

And if want the measurements for the Merkava 4:

Measured to scale of course.

The closest Merkava to me is in Musée des Blindes in Seumur, France, and it's permanently locked. You can't enter it, you can't climb on it, you are probably better off not touching it, either.

You've given a photo that purportedly shows the frontal armour, and it's not 700 mm. You might have a problem with spacial reasoning, so here's a quick conversion for you: 700 mm are 70 cm, or 0.7 m. That would be about the length of the soldier's entire arm.

So, please, as told by est. Wiedzmin, keep this BS to yourself. Here nobody would believe you unless you give a photograph that actually shows those 700 mm of armour plate.



Великий Зук написал(а):

You make conclusions about the armor protection of a tank by simply looking at the turret shell without its armor (by this logic, no tank should be able to withstand more than 30mm apfsds), and estimate it to be on the same level as a T-55 tank, but when you're given actual historical facts, you just dismiss them. Great.

Базовая броня это все что защищает танк от кинетики, и если в составе модулей нету очень толстых стальных плит, то сам модуль защиты от кинетики давать не будет.

если вы этого не понимаете, то можете и дальше списывать огромные уровни защиты на "магию 3 поколения"

Великий Зук написал(а):

What's more indisputable than actual combat records?

and you have some real declassified reports where all tanks hit/damages described ? please share with us all!

but if all yours "actual combat records" refers to "i have read/i have friend that told to me" then whats your point ?

outlander написал(а):

Here nobody would believe you unless you give a photograph that actually shows those 700 mm of armour plate.

and you can show 700mm plate ?  :rofl:  do you understand how much 700mm "plate" will weight ?

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2017-05-01 17:30:00)



Wiedzmin написал(а):

and you can show 700mm plate ?    do you understand how much 700mm "plate" will weight ?

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (Сегодня 16:30:00)

Ну не надо же так сразу на физику переходить, дайте человеку разобраться со школьной геометрией сначала  :crazyfun:

Edit: подозреваю, что Вы могли чуть неправильно прочесть последнюю строчку предыдущего моего поста. Est. = esteemed = ув.

Отредактировано outlander (2017-05-01 17:37:33)



outlander написал(а):

The closest Merkava to me is in Musée des Blindes in Seumur, France, and it's permanently locked. You can't enter it, you can't climb on it, you are probably better off not touching it, either.

You've given a photo that purportedly shows the frontal armour, and it's not 700 mm. You might have a problem with spacial reasoning, so here's a quick conversion for you: 700 mm are 70 cm, or 0.7 m. That would be about the length of the soldier's entire arm.

So, please, as told by est. Wiedzmin, keep this BS to yourself. Here nobody would believe you unless you give a photograph that actually shows those 700 mm of armour plate.

I was talking about the Latrun museum. There is no Merkava 3 in any other museum in the world.

http://data.primeportal.net/tanks/andre … _of_37.JPG

I still don't understand what you were trying to prove with that picture of the Mark 4.

Отредактировано Великий Зук (2017-05-01 17:36:48)



Oleg7700 написал(а):

аккумуляторы переместили за двигатель

Чтобы получить доступ к двигателю, нужно поднять краном тяжелую надмоторную крышку.
Для доступа к аккумуляторам такая процедура неприемлема.



Великий Зук написал(а):

I was talking about the Latrun museum. There is no Merkava 3 in any other museum in the world.

http://data.primeportal.net/tanks/andre … _of_37.JPG

I still don't understand what you were trying to prove with that picture of the Mark 4.

Отредактировано Великий Зук (Сегодня 16:36:48)

I can't go to Latrun, obviously. Too far away, too expensive, and I don't really want to visit Israel anyway  :unsure:
I didn't want to prove anything. I didn't make outstanding claims about armour thickness of any tank, either. The burden of proof is on you with this one.



Wiedzmin написал(а):

Базовая броня это все что защищает танк от кинетики, и если в составе модулей нету очень толстых стальных плит, то сам модуль защиты от кинетики давать не будет.

если вы этого не понимаете, то можете и дальше списывать огромные уровни защиты на "магию 3 поколения"

I understand how anti-KE protection works. But looking at merely the backplates will not do you any good. The protection is the result of the initial plate, internal array, and backplate. The internal array is yet unknown for the Merkava 3. Only the Merkava 4. But it's known that the array is better optimized for KE protection than it is for HEAT protection. During Eurosatory exhibitions in 2010 the armor protection was also generally described, with the 4th gen armor, the one on the Merkava 2D, 3D, and 4, as being able to defeat Kornet type missiles with 1,200mm penetration.

The cover-plate of the Merkava 3's basic armor (not 3D), is a thick steel plate. If the internal array is NERA/NxRA, then it's an ideal anti-KE protection scheme that definitely wouldn't merely equate to the T-55 as you suggested.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

and you have some real declassified reports where all tanks hit/damages described ? please share with us all!

but if all yours "actual combat records" refers to "i have read/i have friend that told to me" then whats your point ?

It's been over 11 years since all the press releases of the 2006 Lebanon War. I don't keep them around. I will try to find them, but I can't promise anything yet.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

and you can show 700mm plate ?    do you understand how much 700mm "plate" will weight ?

In the pictures above I have shown it. In answer to Outlander I believe. You can measure it yourself, as did I, in the museum.

I am also aware of how much a 700mm array could weigh. But the fact is that the Abrams and Leopard could afford a similar thickness of armor. Even slightly greater, yet they weighed less than the Merkava 3. Abrams and Leopard have started at low-mid 50's class, grown to 60 tons, and only recently have gone up to 62-67 tons. The Merkava 3 started out with a 65 ton weight.



outlander написал(а):

I can't go to Latrun, obviously. Too far away, too expensive, and I don't really want to visit Israel anyway  
I didn't want to prove anything. I didn't make outstanding claims about armour thickness of any tank, either. The burden of proof is on you with this one.

Then just rely on someone who has been to Latrun and has done the measurements. Otherwise you'll just have to use internet pictures which are not always up to scale. Either way, 700mm is not some wonderous thickness that cannot be achieved. The Leopard had 660-860mm while Abrams had ~900mm.



Великий Зук написал(а):

But it's known that the array is better optimized for KE protection

и откуда это известно ?

Великий Зук написал(а):

During Eurosatory exhibitions in 2010 the armor protection was also generally described, with the 4th gen armor, the one on the Merkava 2D, 3D, and 4, as being able to defeat Kornet type missiles with 1,200mm penetration.

ух ты, в ходе оружейной выставки где нужно продавать, кто то в рекламных целях заявил что то, вот уж действительно железный аргумент, то что корнет пробивает 1250 и более, мы конечно пока что опустим.

Великий Зук написал(а):

The cover-plate of the Merkava 3's basic armor (not 3D), is a thick steel plate.

20мм это не толстая плита, особенно когда таких плит не много в составе пакета, и они являются просто внешней плитой модуля, но как я уже и написал подобная броня вполне может работать против устаревших 100/105мм и даже 120мм БПС(APDS)

Великий Зук написал(а):

If the internal array is NERA/NxRA, then it's an ideal anti-KE protection scheme that definitely wouldn't merely equate to the T-55 as you suggested.

NERA в большинстве своем не работает от кинетики, никак(или вы может опишите физические принципы по которым 2-5мм стальные плиты между которым резина/полимер существенно влияют на снижение пробиваемости ОБПС(именно ОБПС(APFSDS), не БПС(APDS)) ? в Т-72Б первая плита пакета не просто так сделана 21мм, и вся башня при этом массивная стальная отливка, на Челленджере опять же не просто так башня стальная массивная отливка, абрамс не просто так имеет 100мм плиты итп итд), поэтому американцы и ушли от Чобхема к своим эксперементам с ураном.

Великий Зук написал(а):

It's been over 11 years since all the press releases of the 2006 Lebanon War. I don't keep them around. I will try to find them, but I can't promise anything yet.

я говорю про отчеты боевых повреждений, а не про то что кто то сказал на брифинге что бы оправдать собственную безалаберность.

Великий Зук написал(а):

In the pictures above I have shown it. In answer to Outlander I believe. You can measure it yourself, as did I, in the museum.

вы видимо просто не понимаете что измерили, да ?

Великий Зук написал(а):

The Merkava 3 started out with a 65 ton weight.

меркава весит так много только из за ее размеров, с броней это никак не связано, яркий тому пример Леопард-1 и Т-64.

Отредактировано Wiedzmin (2017-05-01 18:48:13)



Blitz. написал(а):

Однако изначальная задумка дальше демонтраторов не пошла.

Отредактировано Blitz. (Сегодня 17:29:27)

Статья то свежая, там нет даты проведённой модернизации...



Великий Зук написал(а):

Then just rely on someone who has been to Latrun and has done the measurements. Otherwise you'll just have to use internet pictures which are not always up to scale. Either way, 700mm is not some wonderous thickness that cannot be achieved. The Leopard had 660-860mm while Abrams had ~900mm.

You've shown a picture of Merkava 3 with the engine compartment hatch opened. It has a soldier on the photo, sitting right on top of the engine. I don't have to measure anything - I can clearly see that it's not 0.7 metres of armour. 300 mm max, give or take.

Now, if you were talking about armour equivalent due to sloping, then yes, it would be higher due to the extreme slope of the Merkava. If you were talking about the turret armour on the very front that's covering the gun, then it might be rather thick indeed.

But then you need to be more specific - like, 'xxx mm at YY angle, giving equivalent of zzz mm of armour on the foremost part of the turret'. Making sweeping generalisations like 'Merkava has 700 mm of frontal armour' is pretty unscientific, and quite obviously wrong.



Wiedzmin написал(а):

и откуда это известно ?

Unlike the Merkava 4, the Mark 3 has a thick steel cover plate. The Merkava 4 reportedly gave up on that to save weight. Nonetheless, the Merkava 4 is reported to have an overall better protection against SC and KE due to its newer armor technology.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

ух ты, в ходе оружейной выставки где нужно продавать, кто то в рекламных целях заявил что то, вот уж действительно железный аргумент, то что корнет пробивает 1250 и более, мы конечно пока что опустим.

Why would they lie during an exhibition? Besides, it's not like they have to lie. There were numerous wars and conflicts in which the Kornets were extensively used, and Merkava tanks showed to be overall well defended against these and only vulnerable to side shots. These were the Merkava 3 stationed in Gaza, later replaced by Mark 4 there, and Mark 3 and 4 that saw extensive combat in Lebanon.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

20мм это не толстая плита, особенно когда таких плит не много в составе пакета, и они являются просто внешней плитой модуля, но как я уже и написал подобная броня вполне может работать против устаревших 100/105мм и даже 120мм БПС(APDS)

And how do you know how many steel plates there are inside the armor? And of what thickness? That would require seeing a cutaway, or classified documents, which you have not provided or hinted to have.
Also, what is your basis that the armor is only sufficient against "outdated 105mm and 120mm apds"? The protection requirements at the time were fairly clear.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

NERA в большинстве своем не работает от кинетики, никак(или вы может опишите физические принципы по которым 2-5мм стальные плиты между которым резина/полимер существенно влияют на снижение пробиваемости ОБПС(именно ОБПС(APFSDS), не БПС(APDS)) ? в Т-72Б первая плита пакета не просто так сделана 21мм, и вся башня при этом массивная стальная отливка, на Челленджере опять же не просто так башня стальная массивная отливка, абрамс не просто так имеет 100мм плиты итп итд), поэтому американцы и ушли от Чобхема к своим эксперементам с ураном.

T-72B, Challenger, and Abrams all have composite armor. Not a single welded piece of steel. The cover plate and backplate of the Challenger 2 don't seem to be much different than the Merkava 3's.
NERA and NxRA aren't, in reality, as primitive as you describe, and depending on their composition they can be quite helpful against KEPs by yawing them and applying multiple pressure points that would eventually lead to energy loss and easier shattering by the backplate.
Merkava 2 used rubber, Merkava 4 used expanding gas. I don't know which method the Merkava 3 used in its NxRA/NERA arrays. But the fact is pretty much every tank nowadays has these tightly packed arrays sandwiched between a universally thick backplate of steel or titanium, and generally thick coverplate. The efficiency of the armor relies mostly on the array inside, so without knowing the exact composition, it's impossible for you to tell if the Mark 3 has very good or very bad KE protection. Til then, common sense prevails.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

я говорю про отчеты боевых повреждений, а не про то что кто то сказал на брифинге что бы оправдать собственную безалаберность.

There are no official reports on that specific issue available to the public. The conclusions however, were that the 4th gen armor (Merkava 4 and 3D) were sufficient in the protection of the tank, as well as the Mark 4's improved internal arrangement all greatly contributed to the survivability, and that for a total force survivability an APS would be favorable.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

вы видимо просто не понимаете что измерили, да ?

What is there to understand? The module is attached in a pretty clear way that allows accurate measurement. I measured the frontal module without including the roof attachment.

Wiedzmin написал(а):

меркава весит так много только из за ее размеров, с броней это никак не связано, яркий тому пример Леопард-1 и Т-64.

Not entirely. The Merkava 1 and 2 relied primarily on steel armor, as the industrial base wasn't yet ready to mass produce composite armor (even though there were already available designs for composites), which explained their 62 ton weight. The Merkava 3 was fairly standard in its weight by that time, and had increased in size indeed but also added more volume of armor.

Отредактировано Великий Зук (2017-05-01 19:36:35)


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